La bibliothèque numérique des universités publiques du Sénégal

Spain is Different


Auteur(s): Wattley-Ames, Helen

Editeur: Intercultural Press

Année de Publication: 1999

pages: 147

ISBN: 978-1-877864-71-1

Seven years after the publication of the first edition, Spain is still different, but it is also changing—modernizing rapidly and participating as an active member of the European Union.The second edition of Spain is Different maintains a focus on the uniqueness of both the Spanish people and
Seven years after the publication of the first edition, Spain is still different, but it is also changing—modernizing rapidly and participating as an active member of the European Union.

The second edition of Spain is Different maintains a focus on the uniqueness of both the Spanish people and their culture and examines what effect differences have on the way Spaniards and Americans relate to and interact with each other. It looks at how Spain has evolved from a travel destination—a source of “sun and cheap wine”—to a dynamic modern society. It depicts a people proud of their accomplishments, yet working hard to maintain valued traditions in the face of increased buying power and more European and American influence.

The new edition of Spain Is Different features extensively updated and revised sections on women, particularly in the workplace, and has added new sections on minorities and immigrants and on ethics and corruption. This book will be welcomed by anyone looking for clear guidelines on how to be most effective when encountering the people and culture of Spain.

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